HotShot Pickleball @hspickleball is Live on @kickstarter

In today's Pokémon YouTube video two more Shiny Pokémon from the upcoming Japanese Sword and Shield Shiny Star V (s4a) set were revealed. The newest cards are of Thwacky (204/190) and Snom (232/190) along with a reprint of Turbo Patch (161/190) from Darkness Ablaze. We can assume that the full evolution line of Grookey and Rillaboom along with Frostmoth will also be released in Shiny form. Unlike the new Venusaur and Blastoise VMAX decks these are still part of the D format. Translation Credit to @ToineLay
Thwackey - Grass - HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Grookey
Ability: Familiar Ground
If you have a Stadium in play, this Pokémon has no Retreat Cost.
[G] Branch Poke: 20
Weakness: Fire x2
Resistance: None
Retreat: 2
Illustration: tetsuya koizuma
Format: D
s4a: 204/190
Snom - Water - HP50
Basic Pokémon
[W] Call for Family
Search your deck for a Basic Pokémon and put it onto your bench. Then, shuffle your deck.
Weakness: Metal x2
Resistance: None
Retreat: 2
Illustration: Yumi
Format: D
s4a: 232/190
Turbo Patch
Trainer - Item
Flip a coin. If heads, attach a basic Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Basic Pokémon that isn’t a Pokémon-GX.
Illustration: Toyste Beach
Format: D
s4a: 161/190
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