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The Official Pokémon Masters EX website has updates planned for November and December in their Message from the Team v14. Included in this announcement is the current event Dazzling Dizzying Battle Stage, the return of The Dragon That Rules the Sky, a new Time Trial Event, a Prestige Event, new Theme Skills, an update to the Champion Stadium, and the next 6★ EX Sync Pair.
The Dragon that Rules the Sky Legendary event, that ran earlier this year will return tomorrow October 31st and will run along with the current Legendary Event Latios. Zinnia & Rayquaza will have lv. 125 unlocked, so even if you already played this event you can play again.
The Time Trial Event is a new type of event debuting in mid-November. In battles you will be assigned a grade based on your completion time. The higher the grade the more points you get. Based on your points, you will be able to earn rewards such as 5★ Guaranteed Scout Tickets, Move Candy Coins, ★ Power-Up Tickets, and more.
The Prestige Event is another new event coming in late-November. In this event players will be placed on a leaderboard based on points earned during battles. The higher you place the more reward you will receive. The number of points changes based on how much damage you took or the highest damage you dealt. In addition there will be rewards to unlock during the event by reaching set tiers.
Then new Theme Skills feature will be added in December and allow you to strengthen your teams using sync pair combination that are different from the ones required for a type skill. For example you can build a team using sync pairs made up of Lillie and her family, or sync pairs that are all from the same region. Possible team themes include sync pairs based on Pallet Town, villainous organizations, and complicated families.
To make the Champion Stadium more enjoyable a new mode will be added in December. This mode is designed for players wanting something more difficult than Hard battles. This challenge will be difficult but reward 5★ Guaranteed Scout Tickets.
Based on the poll Skyla & Swanna, Barry & Piplup and Korrina & Lucario are going to be the next 6★ Sync Pairs. In addition to show appreciation for everyone voting there will be a special rally in the future offering Custom ★ Power-Ups for the winning Sync Pair, Skyla & Swanna.
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