Old John Storm
The new FF take to the streets to celebrate 2013! How does the world respond?
How do the kids of the Future Foundation feel about these new grown-ups running the show?
And what does Scott Lang have in store for Doom? The war begins...
Doom Original Review by tdk_1997 at Comic Vine
The twist to the arc comes in this issue and Fraction pretty well balances things between the drama of the death of the
Fantastic Four and the funny in the book with all of the jokes. Matt Fraction is making something interesting with both Fantastic Four and the
FF. The story is a little bit different and has some good feel in it. The creative team of the book is great and with every issue I start to like more and more Mike Allred. His pop art is great and fits the story actually pretty well.He makes things a little bit lighter but it's a good feel.
The arrival of the future
Johnny Storm looks interesting because he looks like that guy that has suffered a lot, lost a lot and now he is that bad ass that doesn't stop himself when he has to kill someone. It's a different approach on the character and I like the way Johnny Storm is looking. I expect a lot from him in the next issue and I want some serious action from both him and the FF. If they are going to go to Latveria and attack
Doctor Doom I expect a lot.
Matt Fraction was a poor choice for this new volume of the Fantastic Four but after all of the three issues it looks like he is a great choice. He makes something really different and makes things grittier. I don't know what to expect next but this new choice of characters like
She-Hulk and Medusa is nice and I want to see them how they work as a team.
Score 4.5/5
What I Thought
See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic
Cover & Solicit - 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 2/5
Layout & Flow - 4/5
Story - 3/5
Verdict - 2.9
I still don't care for Mike Allred's art, it looks a little plain, and the way he draws faces. This issue was better than the last few mainly because we aren't getting a rehash of the past issue and that of Fantastic Four. Mainly because we now have two separate books since the Fantastic Four has left the planet. I did find a few issues with flow, mainly the double page, and Ant-Man and
Darla (Ms. Thing) running down the stairs, not a big deal but distracting. The issue was really just filler, we learn a little about Old Johnny, and Doom but it's mostly getting Darla back on the team. The series seems to be picking up steam so I'm holding out to drop it.
tdk_1977 is a comic book reviewer at Comic Vine. The use of this review has been authorized by the original author.
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