The underwater city of Salus, humanity's last refuge, is running out of air and time. Poverty, disease, and corruption are rampant, and the church of Optimolgy can offer no solace as powerful as hard cream, the strange drug that keeps the bleak realities at bay. Police Inspector Marik Cain has sunk so low into that haze; should an opportunity for hope present itself, can he rise again?
See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic
Cover & Solicit 4/5
This issues cover is by interior artist and co-creator Greg Tocchini
(Thor: Son of Asgard, Hinterkind, Last Days of American Crime). He has a very artistic style and the cover is a good representation of the artwork in the issue.
Art, Colors & Inking 3/5
Tochhini is the interior artist for the series and this issue is in his painted style. I always say painted style is hit and miss and this is more in the middle. Like last issue his scenes are breathtaking and the images are beautiful but I feel his painted style loses a little detail without the hard inked lines you normally get in standard pencil and ink artists. There is also a lack of separation of things and even overlap of colors due to the lack of hard lines you normally find in an inked and colored issue.
Layout & Flow 4/5
The flow of this issue was a little disjointed at first as this issue takes place 10 years later. Once you get this under you belt, it flows nicely and bounces between Stel and her son Marik. It also does a good job of pacing and building on this world without becoming too confusing.
Story 5/5
Series co-creator Rick Remender
(Uncanny X-Force, Fear Agent, Venom) shows his brilliance in creating a beautiful and interesting future world. The issue starts off with Stel worrying about what's left of her family after the events of last issue. It seems Marik has joined the police and is using drugs heavily to block the real world and death of his father, while Stel slowly loses the Hope that made her who she is. Remender does a good job building slowly and for some this might be a bad thing, but I for one enjoy the time he is taking to tell a more rich story, and build an equally rich world. We eventually find Marik in trouble with the law due to a case of mistaken identity over the deceased prostitute he was just with. Before the end of the issue, it seems a probe may have found a new habitable planet renewing Stel's hope but it is too late?
Verdict - 4.1 (8/10) - (Buy Low) SAVE 10%
Greg Tocchini and Rick Remender have a hit on their hands. The artistic beauty of Tocchini helps tell the story Remender is laying out in each issue. This issue takes it a little slow and may turn some readers off, but I for one enjoy the time Remender is taking to build this rich world. If you enjoy a good read, one where each page introduces you to something new, and each issue takes you exactly where you thought it wasn't going to take you, then you should add Low to your pull-list.
Low #3 Preview
LOW #3 picks up with Stel Caine's effort to save mankind. She's going to do the unthinkable, something that hasn't been done in millenia: walk on the Earth's surface. But before she can rise from the depths of the ocean, she must first help her son rise from the suffocating emotional darkness in which he wallows.
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