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Pick Your Pickle and Prepare for Puns: Pickleball's Board Game Just Launched. A fast, fun, irreverent board game that celebrates the joy of Pickleball. Fans of silly puns, pickles, and fast-paced games alike have a new game to add to their list of must-haves: HotShot Pickleball. This delightful card-drawing board game is quick to learn and gives a surprising amount of opportunity to lightly strategize as you race to the ball and attempt to hit it back over the net to your opponent. The debut release from indie studio Midnight Trading Co., HotShot Pickleball was made while game designer Robert Gelb was recovering from an Achilles injury sustained, ironically, by playing Pickleball. For those who haven’t heard of pickleball, it's the fastest-growing sport in the world, with over 32 million players last year. HotShot Pickleball is a lively, family-friendly game that combines the fun of the sport with a cast of quirky, pickle-themed characters like Stew Cumber, Kim Chee, and Corni

Guest Reviews: @Marvel Superior Spider-Man, Deadpool, Thor God of Thunder, Daredevil

Here are today's "Guest Reviews" by theAcidSkull. Included are Marvel's; Superior Spider-Man #9, Deadpool #9, Thor: God of Thunder #8, and Daredevil #26. I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.

See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic.

Superior Spider-Man #9 - Troubled Mind, Part Three: Gray Matters


The hottest comic in comics comes to a turning point that will get you angrier than you were after Spidey #700!

The time has come to see who will live, who will die, and who will emerge as the one, true Superior Spider-Man!


The Inferior Spider-Man!

Hey There, as you Might Know, Something Happens in issue 9 of Superior Spider-Man, Something that will change everything, and it does , but is that change good? most definitively Not! What happens in this issue, made me, someone who has from the beginning been Okay with superior, almost vomit. I'll be honest, from the start i haven't been that mad since we all knew that Spider-Man (Peter Parker) would eventually return, I made this Very clear from my very first Review, but right now? I take back everything good I ever said about superior, EVERYTHING.

There are Two reason why this issue got one star, one being the fact that the new CV doesn't let me grade a comic book below than One, in fact I can't even give it a half star anymore. The Second reason is that despite the abominable writing, the art was Very good, I love Stegmans work here, which is the only thing that kept me through to the end.

One of the many things that Allowed me to cope with superior was the fact that Ock was much more irresponsible with the power, and he was not the true hero we all knew and loved, but all that was destroyed here. Let me elaborate.

Ock Enters peters Brain to finely get rid of the ghost phantom spider-man who has been influencing his actions. Ock figures out that the only way to get rid of Peter Parker, is to erase his early life completely. Ock, not only defeats peter in his own mind, he humiliates him. Now don't get me wrong, this could have been a good thing, i mean, last weak flash/venom, got completely decimated by Toxin, and it was bloody awesome, but the setting was different there, and it's different here. Look I knew Otto was going to win, I really did, i mean, every solicits showed that spider-man was no longer peter anyways so what should have i expected? but if only that was the only problem.

Read the rest of theAcidSkull's Review on Comic Vine

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 4/5
Layout & Flow - 3/5
Story - 4/5
Verdict - 3.7 - 
(Buy Superior Spider-Man #9)

Deadpool #9 - The Devil & the Deep Blue Sea

Deadpool targets a MAN with AQUATIC powers!

Then he teams-up with your SUPERIOR Neighborhood SPIDER-MAN!




When you got to the store and Pick up a Deadpool book, what are you naturally expecting ? major Plot twists and development? Maybe some serious Noire Themes? Well if you are expecting anything other than pure hilarious fun, you know jack about Deadpool.

This book, is pure, amazing fun, but it's not just that, there is actually a story behind all of it, and it's quite awesome. I'd usually use the world brilliant, but awesome seems to fit Deadpool more. Now, where were we? Ah yes, the idea that Deadpool is actually sharing a body with someone else could be insane, and stupid, but for some odd reason it works really well! Preston is Deadpool conscience! and it kind of sets Waid on the right path!

I love the supporting characters as well, they are so insane and incredible at the same time, at first i thought they came in for the laughs as a gag, but they are slowly getting established as characters. Deadpool's mind is also very interesting, there are some places Preston is not allowed to go into, some secrets you're keeping Waid?

Read the rest of theAcidSkull's Review on Comic Vine

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 4/5
Layout & Flow - 4/5
Story - 4/5

Verdict - 4 - (Buy Deadpool #9)

Thor: God of Thunder #8 - Godbomb: Part Two of Five - God in Chains

GODBOMB Part Two of Five

Thor in chains. Gorr transcendent. All hope for divinity lost. As the clock ticks down on one very large bomb, as enslaved gods look to the skies for a savior, enter...the Girls of Thunder?


Is there Any More Ale Left?

Is this the Guy who Wrote Incredible Hulk? Hell no! Err I mean Hel No! This was yet again another great issue by Jason Aarron, yeah, I said it, I haven't liked his Thanos Rising, but his writing style fits Thor very much perfectly, and damn I loved this issue very much.

Esad Ribics art is breath taking, honestly, despite a few weird facial expression, the details of action senescence and body muscles is amazing, seriously, he is the perfect Thor artist, and the colors fit the gritty tone of the book, which makes the experience all the more interesting.

One of the greatest Things about this issue is the well balanced transitions between the three different Thors. All version seem different, but he same all together, young Thor is still an arrogant Child , a brave one mind you, but still, he is Much more childish and thinks he can take on the world easily, while the old one is much more wise an patient, but the constant "ale" requests still feel the same as Thor. Also, Gorr is seriously one tough villain, honestly the guy feels like a maniac, the kind you'd never see. Not Only does he enslave Gods, but he also executes them horribly, and his son is basically his pale reflection, he idolizes his father like a God, which of course ironic and brilliant, though I hope Jason Aaron explains how Gorr has a son.

Read the rest of theAcidSkull's Review on Comic Vine

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 5/5
Layout & Flow - 5/5
Story - 4/5

Verdict - 4.4 - (Buy Thor: God of Thunder #8)

Daredevil #26 - Punching Cancer

A DOUBLE-SIZED EXTRA-vanagnza celebrating the third-year of the acclaimed series!

Face to face with his opposite number--a foe Daredevil cannot beat!

What is his connection to the accident that created Daredevil?

PLUS: As Foggy deals with his cancer, Matt turns to one of the brightest guys in the galaxy for help.

Here comes...Iron Man!


I'd Call That A Victory

Mark Waid has been giving us a thrilling new take on one of Marvels well-known heroes, and each time he has been building up to something big, and this issue shows us a huge bang.

Matt is the man without fear, but for the first time, he is afraid, he is nervous . Mark Waid breaks down Matts character and build him up again in the very same issue. Now for a Daredevil fan this idea or concept my be unacceptable at first , but once you learn the reason to why Matt becomes so paranoid, you would immediately understand that personal fear had nothing to do with it. Matt is tested beyond his physical capabilities here, he is mentally torn up, but the fact that he can hold himself together shows great character strength.

Mark Waid knows what he is doing. Only he could re-introduce one of Daredevils most well-known villains and re-invent him completely. Up until this point Bullseye has been a killing machine, but he has never been a master planner, but that's a little concept mark Waid takes advantage of, Bullseye is not only a weapon anymore, but an a master planer. he has managed to tear down Matt Murdock down throughout Waid's series, and he still didn't manage to break him. This is an interesting idea because when Bullseye does in fact come back, he will not only be a great combatant, but also an guy who could outsmart daredevil and bait him into a trap.

Foggy and Matt gathering and contemplating on the clues is awesome as well, and Daredavil using his head for a new plan was also cool, he is out matched, but he can get crafty, which yet again shows Matts quick thinking.

Read the rest of theAcidSkull's Review on Comic Vine

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 3/5
Layout & Flow - 5/5
Story - 5/5

Verdict - 4.1 - (Buy Daredevil #26)

Purchase Marvel Comics
theAcidSkull is a comic book reviewer at Comic Vine. The use of these reviews has been authorized by the original author.


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