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Wacky Wizard Games Imprint and Three New Games Announced by @wwizardgames

Wise Wizard Games announced the launch of Wacky Wizard Games, a new brand imprint focused on family-friendly, lightweight games. Three games are planned for release in 2024 as part of this new brand imprint: Star Realms Academy, Caution Signs, and Pack the Essentials. If you are interested and attending PAX Unplugged they will have prototypes of Caution Signs and Pack the Essentials. "We are super excited to be adding this new family friendly product line to our catalog. We wanted to maintain the focus of Wise Wizard Games on strategy card and dice games with geeky themes, and have created Wacky Wizard Games as an umbrella for lightweight games with a more whimsical, cute vibe," shared Debbie Moynihan, COO of Wise Wizard Games. Star Realms Academy Forge your own star realms, overloaded with cuteness! A kid friendly but still fun for grown-ups version of the popular Star Realms deckbuilding game for 2 players. A little less math, no reading necessary, but still tons of fun! 

Guest Reviews: Batman, Incorporated #5 - Asylum

Batman, Incorporated #5 Review

Damian's Reign Original Review by Johnkmccubbin91 at Comic Vine

I have been enjoying this series and it has been much better than the first Batman, Incorporated series. I have enjoyed how this series has explained more about Leviathan, and how due to Talia al Ghul leading Leviathan, her son Damian Wayne has been more involved in the series.


This issue shows what the world will be like if Damian becomes Batman, and how he will destroy Gotham City. In this story Damian, now Batman, with the help of Barbara Gordon (who's once again wheelchair bound) attempt to save Gotham from an infection of Joker gas.


Does Damien Kill Batman?
This was an amazing issue, and when I heard that this issue would be taking another look at Damian's future as Batman I was very excited, and I wasn't disappointed. Grant Morrison has done an amazing job at continuing stories he's shown in pre-New 52 comics, and how he's managed to make them new reader friendly. I loved how he made the story transition from the present to the future, and how he used Damian's current, and future emotions to do so. I also loved that due to this being set in the future he doesn't have to worry about the changes that happened since the New 52 effecting his story. I am mainly talking about Barbara being in a wheelchair once more. The New 52 established that Barbara's paralysis was only temporary, so it is interesting to see that she will once, again become paralyzed in the future. I've also liked how Morrison has handled Damian, a character he essentially created, throughout his work on Batman, and love how he's shown the changes Damian has went through.

Read the rest of Johnkmccubin91's Review on Comic Vine

Asylum Original Review by Batwatch at Comic Vine


Batman Incorporated has been a good series that seems to become better with every new twist, but at times, it seems to get a little lost in its own mythology. Morrison does not slow the pace of his story to brief the uninformed reader. Despite this arguable failing, Batman Inc.’s last issue delivered an amazingly action packed issue which both stalwart Morrison fans and relative noobs could appreciate. Unveiling several surprises, last issue showed us that Jason Todd had been working as a spy among Leviathan, and it was revealed that Damian plays an even bigger role in Talia’s plans than he or fans ever expected. Does this issue answer readers’ burning questions, or are fans left scratching their heads?

In this issue, Batman reveals that Damian will doom the world. After this, we get an extended look at the future of Gotham where future Batman, Damian, manages to escape a hoard of Joker zombies. It turns out that future Gotham is overrun by these Joker monstrosities, and Barbara Gordon, Damian, and the few uninfected citizens of Gotham are holed up in the remnants of Arkham Asylum as they search for a cure to the plague.

Read the rest of Batwatch's review on Comic Vine

What I Thought

Cover - 2/5
Art - 3/5
Colors/Ink/Lettering - 3/5
Layout/Flow - 2/5
Story - 3/5
Verdict - 2.7

The problem with Incorporated is that Morrison doesn't  care about the New 52, or new readers. He started a story and wants to complete it. This is making it very difficult to follow this series. I'm also not a fan of the art used in this issue. The story itself is pretty good, once you figure out what is going on, Once he ties up the story he has been trying to complete I will start to like the series more but so far I've just been left lost and confused.

Purchase Batman, Incorporated #5 on Amazon

John McCubbin is a blogger at http://imaginationcentre.blogspot.co.uk/ and Jeremy Sims is a blogger at https://batwatch.squarespace.com/. Both are comic book reviewers at Comic Vine. The use of their reviews have been authorized by the original authors.


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