Here is today's Guest Review by
Abhinav Jain from
Shadowhawk's Shade,
The Founding Fields, and
Just Beyond Infinity, for Dynamite's;
Red Sonja #6. I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.
Red Sonja #6 - Queen of Plagues; Finale
This is IT. The culmination to the bloody WAR of VENGEANCE waged between two former sisters of the sword, DARK ANNISIA and RED SONJA! Annisia has done something no other god nor demon has been able to do, force Sonja to her knees in surrender. But Sonja returns, a changed woman, and she has a mighty SCORE to settle! The climax to the entire QUEEN OF PLAGUES saga is here!
War of Vengeance
And so we come to it, the final issue of Gail Simone and Walter Geovani’s first arc on the new Red Sonja series. When the first issue came out in July, it seemed as if the road to the end of the first arc would be long. But here we are, and the journey to this issue has been a really fun and exciting one. The last issue promised one hell of a one-on-one clash between Dark Annisia and Red Sonja, but there was a gut-wrenching twist at the end, something that did leave me quite shocked. It was a cliffhanger which made me really anxious to get to this issue, and I’m quite elated that the finale lives up to its promise.
The final issue of the arc this may be, but it is still just as great an issue as any of the others. The Red Sonja who we saw in the first issue has grown quite a bit and the one we see at the end of this issue is a different person. Not too different, mind you, but the character has definitely been changed by her experiences fighting against her sister-from-the-pit and almost dying in the wilderness. If you were waiting for Red Sonja to truly be the hero of this story, then this is the issue that you have to read for that.
One of the things that can be said for Gail’s writing is that she often knows how to subvert tropes and spin them into something that you can really connect with, on a whole different level. That’s what she does here in this issue. All the heart-pumping action aside, what she stresses in this issue is that the Hyborean Age is not a setting where the women are weak and unable to get their justice on their own. For Annisia, she seeks justice for her experiences in the pit that King Dimath freed her and Sonja from ages ago. For Red Sonja, she seeks justice for the murder of Dimath and her own near-death. For another female character in this issue, she seeks justice for being made to live on the whim of a cruel tyrant. Some characters rely on their strength to see them through the day, while others rely on their mind. That’s what’s so great about this issue, because it isn’t something that has ever been so prominent in all the Red Sonja comics I’ve read to date.
Read the rest of Shadowhawk's review on Here
My Rating
Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 4/5
Layout & Flow - 5/5
Story - 5/5
Verdict - 4.6 (9/10) - (Buy Red Sonja) SAVE 10%
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