Is the Witchblade out to reclaim Sara as its rightful host...or is it out for revenge?
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8-page preview of Witchblade #174
See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic
Cover & Solicit 5/5
This issues covers are drawn by John Tyler Christopher
(Artifacts, Dark Avengers, New Mutants) and Laura Braga & Betsy Gonia. At the time of the review I have only seen John's and it's great. It features Sara laying in a chalk outline with a wound through her stomach. I love that the outline is in the shape of the Witchblade and he uses her hair to fill in the fingers.
Art, Colors & Inking 4/5
Laura Braga
(Cyber Force) and Besty Gonia
(Cyber Force, Think Tank, Bushido) continue to do a great job. Like the last issue the art in this one is pretty good, and I have nothing major to complain about. Laura did a great job of laying out the fight scenes and everything seems so fluid. It was also nice to see the Witchblade in full action as it was the first time she has drawn an issue where Sara has full control to use it.
Layout & Flow 5/5
Again Top Cow continues to have the recap at the beginning of the issues and the new feature called
The Witching Hour. In this issue they explained the backstory of the new host of the Angelus. I found this very useful as I just recently started reading the Darkness, Artifacts, and the Witchblade and knew nothing of this character. The pacing works very well in this issue with all of the action and developments that occur, and like I mentioned in the art section Laura does a great job of presenting it to the reader.
Story 5/5
The issue concludes the Borne Again arc that Ron Marz
(Green Lantern, Artifacts, Silver Surfer) started in issue #169. All I can say is Wow! This issue jumps right in from last issue with the Angelus confronting Sara for the Witchblade. Of course the inevitable happens and we are immediately taking into a fight between Sara and the new Angelus bearer. Ron does a great job of having just enough conversation while letting Laura's art pace the fight. At one point during the fight the Angelus is able to spear Sara thru the chest, and she in turns uses it to her advantage to gain control of the Witchblade completely. It seems that the Angelus isn't aware of all of the Witchblade's abilities as it starts to heal Sara. Sara eventually discovers who the new bearer is and is shocked
(I'm not going to give it away). As the Angelus is unable to compete with the full Witchblade, we again see how little the new bearer knows about the history of the Darkness, the Witchblade and the Angelus. I appreciate the great job Ron did of adding these little tidbits of info showing this new bearer doesn't know or is unaware of everything that is going on and what powers the Witchblade really poses.
Verdict - 4.7 (9.5/10) - (Buy Witchblade) SAVE 10%
Wow what a great conclusion the the Borne Again arc. The story Marz is trying to tell is excellent and very accessible, and with Braga and Gonia on art duties they are really working great together. This issue reveals a shocker that I guarantee will effect both the Witchblade but the upcoming Darkness Falls. Marz, Braga and Gonia started their run of Witchblade with a bang and I can't wait to see what they have instore for the anniversary issue. You must adding this series to your Pull-List.
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