Here are today's Guest Reviews by LiquidCross from The Indigo Tribe for DC's; Green Lantern #24, Green Lantern Corps #24, and Green Lantern: New Guardians #24. I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.
Green Lantern #24 - Lights Out, Part One: Dark Days
"LIGHTS OUT" part one! Relic arrives on Oa as this massive story kicks off! Can the different Lantern Corps come together to stop this powerful enemy? Lights Out will see Lanterns die, others change allegiances—and nothing will be the same ever again! Trust us: We MEAN IT!
Relic Strikes
On Oa, Hal Jordan demands answers as to why the Green Lantern Corps’ rings aren’t working. Salaak tells him that something is affecting the Central Power Battery, and that Ion disgorged itself and took off. Kyle Rayner suddenly arrives with Carol Ferris, Saint Walker, and the Templar Guardians, and unfortunately…Relic is right behind him. Relic demands that the Corps give up using the green light, and Hal naturally tells him to go pound sand. Relic dispatches drones that drain the Corps’ rings and the Central Power Battery, and the Green Lanterns are powerless to stop him. Eventually, Relic blows up the Central Power Battery itself, leaving the Corps in shambles. It gets worse: the destruction of the Battery caused a chain reaction that will destroy Oa itself!
So, “Lights Out” has officially begun. So far, so good…except for the pervasive problem that the exhaustion of the emotional spectrum makes absolutely no sense. Unless that’s somehow disproven in subsequent issues of this crossover — and to be fair, the Lanterns do treat that concept with a bit of skepticism — it’s going to drive the whole story down in flames. (If your foundation is a joke, the whole structure falls apart, after all.)
But let’s move on to the good stuff. As always, Billy Tan’s art looked great. In particular, the giant panels featuring the giant Relic really stood out. Our antagonist looked massive and threatening, even though he didn’t behave like your usual supervillains. He treated the Corps like they were bothersome insects, not even bothering to attack them; he let his machines handle defense for him. When the Battery exploded, he took off, as job was done.
My Rating
Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 4/5
Layout & Flow - 5/5
Story - 5/5
Verdict - 4.6 (9/10) - (Buy Green Lantern #24) SAVE 10%
Green Lantern Corps #24 - Lights Out, Part Two: Oa's Last Stand
“LIGHTS OUT” part two! John Stewart must lead a group of GLs in a last-ditch effort to save Oa and protect the other Lanterns as they retreat from Relic’s attack!

World's End
Oa’s about to explode, so the Green Lanterns had better get the hell out of there. John Stewart tells Hal Jordan that he’ll stay behind with some recruits to distract Relic while Hal leads the rest of the Corps away; they need their leader to survive. Meanwhile, Salaak tells everyone to bring the wounded to the Citadel, so he can activate the Guardians’ escape plan. He’s attacked en route by Relic’s collectors, but the Guardians save him before taking off to find Kyle Rayner; he’s incredibly important to their plans. Salaak launches the Citadel into orbit, saving the injured Lanterns, while John and his crew successfully keep Relic occupied. Hal and the rest of the Corps escape before Oa is destroyed; they don’t have much ring power left, but Hal’s got a plan.
“Lights Out” moves on, and Oa blows up for the first time…in the “New 52,” that is. Anyway, the excellent tactics used by John in this actually did credit to his military background, rather than just throwing it in there to make him seem more badass. Hal’s initial complaints made sense, but Hal’s no slouch to discipline; John’s plan made perfect sense once explained to Hal.
I also like the little story pieces that are seemingly mentioned in passing, but will undoubtedly become very important as the crossover continues. For example, the Guardians are hellbent on finding and protecting Kyle. Sure, he’s the only being to master the entire spectrum, but what exactly does that mean for their plans? And what’s Hal going to do now that Oa’s gone; we see the Indigo Tribe a panel or two later, but is he actually thinking of them…or are they aware of something else that the Green Lanterns are not? These little mysteries are enticing, and really make me want to read the next issue right now. That’s a rarity in Green Lantern events these past few years! Usually, we just want to get it over with, but I’m genuinely interested in what’s going to happen next.
My Rating
Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 4/5
Layout & Flow - 4/5
Story - 5/5
Verdict - 4.4 (9/10) - (Buy Green Lantern Corps #24) SAVE 10%
Green Lantern: New Guardians #24 - Lights Out, Part Three: Gods and Monsters
"LIGHTS OUT" part three! Enter The White Lantern! Pushed to the limit by Relic's assault, the loyalties of Hal, Kyle and the others are tested!

You Can't Run From Destiny
Oa is gone, and the remains of the Green Lantern Corps float among the ruins, wondering what to do next. Hal Jordan’s really pissed off, and wants to take the fight right back to Relic, but Kyle Rayner, Carol Ferris, and the Guardians all convince him that’s a suicide mission. Hal then chooses to track down the Red Lanterns, as they’re always spoiling for a fight. Suddenly, the emotional entities arrive…and immediately possess Kyle! The Corps tries to stop them, but they are no match whatsoever for the new godlike being. Speaking through Kyle, the entities explain that the Corps cannot aid or stop them, teleporting them all to Ysmault. The Guardians remain behind, though, and as they remind the entities that they’d been tamed before, Kyle manages to overcome their control. He now knows their plan, and that the Corps needs to help Relic, not stop him. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to everyone else, John Stewart and the Green Lantern recruits have survived, and they’ve gone looking for allies of their own: the Indigo Tribe.
Another great read! Hal’s anger is palpable, yet completely understandable. It’s great that he has his friends around to rein him in, and it’s making him an even more effective leader when he listens to reason. Also smart: Hal knows as well as the Guardians do (who helpfully explain it to the other Lanterns, as well as the reader) that Red Lanterns use magic as well as emotion to fuel their rings, and that makes them a unique weapon.
I’m also very curious as to what John’s plan is. He’s not just looking for the Tribe, but Natromo specifically. I loved the “nok nok” joke, especially when John had to explain it to an alien Green Lantern who naturally had no understanding of English figures of speech. It reminded me of similiar Hal/Kilowog interactions on Green Lantern: The Animated Series.
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