New York Comic-Con 2013 started Thursday and here is my Wrap-Up of the Day 3 events. And if you missed them check out my Wrap-Up from
Day 1,
Day 2 and
Day 3.
- DC - Green Lantern Panel
- Marvel - House of Ideas Panel, Women of Marvel Panel, Spider-Man Panel
- Dynamite - 10th Anniversary Panel
- Boom - We Are Boom! Panel
DC - Green Lantern Panel
"Green Lantern" writer and "Green Lantern Corps" co-writer Robert Venditti, "Green Lantern Corps" co-writer Van Jensen, "Red Lanterns" writer Charles Soule, "Green Lantern: New Guardians" writer Justin Jordan and "Green Lantern Corps" artist Bernard Chang all were present, with DC marketing VP John Cunningham serving as moderator.
Venditti mentions "At the end of Green Lantern #24, Relic drains the battery." and Van Jensen says "Green Lantern Corps #24 is a really big, bombastic issue. Oa is blown up at the end of Green Lantern Corps #24." Jordan talked "Green Lantern: New Guardians," and called issue #24, out Oct. 16, "a fairly exciting issue" that ends with a "nice revelation" that he hopes surprises people. Soule detailed Guy Gardner's recent involvement in the book. "Guy has been off the radar for a while," Soule said. Issue #24, out Oct. 23, will be the first time Guy and Hal Jordan encounter each other since Guy's Red Lantern undercover mission, and "it goes pretty badly for Hal." Atrocitus will also resurface in "Red Lanterns" #24.
A page is shown from Annual #2 with Relic studying the Source Wall. Venditti states "He’s trying to see if he can get through the wall. Now, he’s realizes his universe had no White Lantern, and now Relic wants to manipulate Kyle to see if he can become some sort of "device" that he can extract and access the "Reservoir" on the other side of the Source Wall. Charles Soule compares messing with the Source Wall to performing spinal surgery on the DCU. "Green Lantern Annual" #2, out Oct. 30, is the final chapter of "Lights Out."
Marvel - House of Ideas Panel, Women of Marvel Panel, Spider-Man Panel

Marvel Comics brought its House of Ideas technology panel to the final day of New York Comic Con 2013, discussing all forms of Marvel tech from the publisher's Unlimited Plus program, the Marvel Comics App, Infinite Comics and more. Marvel Unlimited Plus members-only panel revealed you get to see art and footage that no one else is seeing. One of Perazza's current projects is Project Gamma, which will help to explore all avenues of storytelling afforded by a tablet, for example sounds and theme music. The Infinite Comics digital initiative was up next, and Perazza described the format of the comics. There will be a brand-new Infinite Comic starring Iron Man and every Tuesday, a new Infinite Comic will get posted via the Marvel Comics App for a full year. They also discussed Marvel Original Video initiative, including "Earth's Mightiest Show" hosted by Blair Butler, "The Watcher" and "What The--?" Panagos described Marvel AR as a digital initiative that adds bonus digital content to all of Marvel's comics.
New Marvel Games they announced were "Amazing Spider-Man 2" game for XBox One, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and PC, as well as "Amazing Spider-Man" for PS Vita. We also got more info on "LEGO Marvel Super Heroes," which has over 140 characters. The panel showed a video of the gameplay, which started off with Iron Man flying, Captain Britain driving, Venom, Arnim Zola, Squirrel Girl, Stan Lee, Howard the Duck. a Sentinel, Iceman, Thor, She Hulk, Hulk, Ghost Rider, Green Goblin, Galactus, Spider-Man, Mystique, Kraven the Hunter, Deadpool, the Fantastic Four and the massive scale of the LEGO Marvel U. Black Bolt and Ant-Man will also join the game. Day one, there will be DLC for "Thor: The Dark World." A "Thor: The Dark World" mobile game is set to release from Gameloft, which will be free-to-play. "Avengers Alliance," the social game, will come to Android later this month. The newest Spec-Ops mission will reward characters with a playable Loki character. "Marvel Heroes," the MMO, is also free-to-play, will expand into Asgard and Jotunheim.
The Women of Marvel panel went over some of the prior announcements including She-Hulk & Black-Widow.
- She-Hulk, announced as a new ongoing series a couple of weeks ago got a huge response from the audience, who, to be fair, were already ecstatic to be attending. Exclusive art and the new costume design were revealed in white and lavender.
- X-Men, will have a new arc starting in issue #7. The cover features Lady Deathstrike, with a "Death" face-paint.
- Captain Marvel art was revealed; Amanat commented that you ought to just "wait in your comic store until it arrives." DeConnick commented that "this is the issue where she finds her way back in. And also a really important Kit issue. We have a new villain here, too, and she’s important."
- Avengers Assemble artwork and covers coincided with a 5 part arc coming out of Infinity, with Warren Ellis. The first issue #21 is on sale in November with some "Inhumanity hi-jinx."
- Loki: Agent of Asgard, announced on Friday, with a seemingly "taller" Loki, written by Al Ewing, drawn by Lee Garbett, features character design with a rather dapper French Revolution style overcoat. "This is the book where we will lie to you, lie to you, lie to you", Sankovitch said. She had a copy of Young Avengers #11 with her for a fan to read to find out "how he got to this state" from his childhood state. The book will be an espionage style book.
- Black Widow, with Phil Noto art, was featured in the slide-show for fans, including cover art for issue #2 and exclusive interior art.
Marvel’s final panel at New York Comic-Con this year was billed as "Superior Spider-Man & Friends." The upcoming story in Superior Spider-Man" #23-24 will be "the birth of a new goblin." Pyle discussed November's "Superior Spider-Man Annual" #1 by Christos Gage and Javier Rodriguez, where Aunt May will see "a little bit of the darker side of the Superior Spider-Man." Brennan talked December's "Amazing Spider-Man" #700.1-#700.5, which delivers five new Peter Parker stories and includes contributions from Brian Reed, David Morrell, Klaus Janson, Joe Casey, Jen VanMeter, Kevin Grievioux, Lee Weeks and more.
Amanat on the "Superior Six" story in "Superior Spider-Man Team-Up": "This is what happens when Superior Spidey tries to have his own team, and they end up facing off with the Masters of Evil." Next series up is "Superior Foes of Spider-Man." Coming up, some "awesome secrets" from the past of the new Beetle will be explored. Wacker said fans of "Hawkeye" should check out "Superior Foes," for a similar "off day" vibe. Wacker briefly mentioned three more books under his purview: "Hawkeye," "Daredevil" and "Nova," the latter with new writer Gerry Duggan coming on board.
Marvel also revealed the final Marvel Teasers.

- THE END- Superior Spider-Man with issue #27.NOW, starting the "Goblin Nation" story, which Wacker called a perfect jumping-on point. Slott said the dominoes hes been setting up will come crashing down "Green Goblin on this side. Doc Ock/Spider-Man on the other side. It's all been leading to this."
- HIGHER - Captain Marvel is returning in March with a new #1. "Higher, literally," DeConnick said, "We're taking it cosmic," where Carol Danvers will show why she's the best at what she does, using her skills as an American pilot in outer space. The first arc of the new series is called "Higher, Faster, Further, More," a reference to the previous series.
- ASSASSIN - Elektra series starting in March, from writer Zeb Wells and artist Mike Del Mundo. It's Elektra on a journey by herself, away from Daredevil, Amanat said, with the character becoming "the Dexter of assassins."
- HUNTED - Punisher series from Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerads, debuting in February 2014. The series sees Frank Castle moving to Los Angeles, Thomas shared, because he thinks he's found "the head of the snake" (crime-wise) out there.
- WAR - New Warriors series coming in February from former Red Robin team of writer Chris Yost and artist Marcus To. Members include, according to Wacker, Justice, Nova, Speedball, Scarlet Spider and Sun Girl. Amanat said it's brings together members of various groups in the Marvel Universe; mutants, aliens, clones and more -- who have been "deemed a threat" by the High Evolutionary.
Dynamite - 10th Anniversary Panel
Andy Diggle spoke about his "supernatural crime thriller" Uncanny, drawn by Aaron Campbell, where central character Weaver can steal abilities from people by making skin contact. The new series Control, was announced this week by Diggle, and is a book that he's writing with his wife Angela. Control is drawn by Ben Oliver, and is a police procedural thriller set in Washington DC, with "power players at the top" and "the guys at the bottom."
Dennis Calero is working with Steve Niles on Ash: Army of Darkness with “skeletons, wizards, and sexy ladies in night outfits”. Fred Van Lente is doing a revival and reboot of a ’60′s comic in Magnus featuring a superhuman who has been raised to liberate a city from robot control. Van Lente is also working on an often sold out humorous series The Mocking Dead, tracing initial outbreak and the series of misfortunes that lead to apocalypse. While the world is “collapsing around them”, nerds realize the events in play are similar to an old horror movie, which they attempt to track down.
Greg Pak will be writing Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, about a young Native American who is estranged from his tribe, so when dinosaurs start to appear in his world, "he has to make some decisions about who he’s going to stand with." Victor Gischler will be working on more Noir, with Black Sparrow and Miss Fury in a cross-over. The Shadow is guest-starring in the first issue. Frank Barbiere will be joining the Gold Key relaunch with Doctor Solar. It’s traditionally been a very sci-fi book, but he’s been working on building an “internal world” and "focusing on a network of characters that make him more interesting, show who he is and why he is important."
Boom - We Are Boom! Panel
BOOM! Studios wants the comic book world to know who they are. "We Are BOOM!" was a running theme throughout their Saturday morning New York Comic Con panel hosted by BOOM! President Ross Richie, Managing Editor Bryce Carlson and Vice President of Development Stephen Christy.
BOOM! writers and artists like Paul Jenkins ("Deathmatch"), Mike Carey ("Suicide Risk"), Brian Stelfreeze ("Day Men") and Say Anything lead singer Max Bemis ("Polarity") all discussing their current projects with the company. A running theme in the videos was the creative freedom that BOOM! allows each and every one of them.
Richie also discussed comics like Mike Kunkel's "Hero Bear and the Kid," George Perez's "She-Devils" and Steven Grant's "2 Guns," which was one of the earliest BOOM! Studios comics and was adapted into a film earlier this year. Richie said they don't just go for cash grabs when it comes to licensed comics, but put the same amount of creative energy into them as the original material. He cited books like "Sons of Anarchy" and "RoboCop: Last Stand" as examples.
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