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Imagination Centre Reviews: @Marvel's Wolverine, Iron Man, Indestructible Hulk, Uncanny X-Men @JohnMcCubbin3

Here are today's Guest Reviews by John McCubbin from Imagination Centre for Marvel's; Wolverine #5, Iron Man #12, Indestructible Hulk #10, and Uncanny X-Men #8. I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.

See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic.

Wolverine #5 - Drowning Logan Part One of Two

"Drowning Logan" starts here!

SHIELD agents everywhere, but not a comrade in sight!

Wolverine finds himself trapped on a helicarrier - and it's plunging into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean!


Wolverine Against S.H.I.E.L.D.

This has been a series that has really interested me, and although it's had a few hiccups, it has still managed to hold my interest. I do however hope that it picks up soon though, as I've read too many poor Wolverine stories over the last couple of years, and after the promise of the first two issues, it'd be a shame if this one didn't deliver.


After going onto S.H.I.E.L.D.'s new Helicarrier, the Hercules he realizes that something isn't right, and lands up faced against the entire crew.


This issue was an improvement over the last couple of issues, and although the series isn't quite at the level it was during the first two issues, it's slowly getting there. Paul Cornell has done a good job of taking this story to the next level, though it did have a little too much set-up, which dropped the overall quality of the issue. I did however like how Cornell handled the situation that Wolverine was put in, as although this issue didn't have a great deal of excitement, it had some, and was still dramatic. Cornell also handled the possessed Nick Fury Jr. perfectly, as although he seemed a bit weird, that what he should be like, and it was shown brilliantly.

The art from Mirco Pierfederici was good, and although it was nowhere near the same level of quality as Alan Davis, it was still brilliant. I really liked the roughness of Pierfederici's artwork, as although usually wouldn't like this amount of roughness, it works in this issue. The detail in Pierfederici's art was also good, as was the layout, which added depth to the issue, as well as more drama. I also loved how Pierfederici handled the action, as although there wasn't a great deal off it, what there was looked amazing. Pierfederici also did a decent job at showing the characters expressions, as although there were times where they looked a little stiff, and motionless, the rest was very well done.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Imagination Centre

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 3/5
Layout & Flow - 4/5
Story - 3/5
Verdict - 3.1 - 
(Buy Wolverine #5) SAVE 10%

Iron Man #12 - The Secret Origin of Tony Stark Part Three


The Birth.

451's ulterior motive proves to be a big one. In a very literal sense.


Protecting Tony

After initially dropping this series following the first story arc I am back for at least this story, as I couldn't miss an origin story. So far it's been interesting, but nothing startling, and I seriously hope that it improves soon.


As Tony Stark is being born his father Howard Stark has to go off with 451 and take care of the grey aliens, who know Tony's secret.


This was probably the best issue I've read in this series, and certainly the best in this storyline so far. Kieron Gillen did a good job on this issue, giving us a very entertaining, and exciting comic, and although I wouldn't necessarily class it as a great Iron Man issue, especially considering Iron Man barley appears, it was still exciting, with interesting developments. I personally love how Gillen has been handling Howard, and how he's managed to cope through all of this, doing what's best for his family. There was also some good action, and interesting dialogue, and Gillen keeps making me more and more intrigued with this 451 character, who I originally disliked, as although I still don't like him, he is becoming a very interesting character, and I love how it's questionable whether he's a hero, or a villain.

The art from Dale Eaglesham continues to amaze me, and I have been loving his work on this story. The detail is fabulous, with next to no imperfections, and although his art isn't necessarily the best in the world, it is very smooth, and consistent, and overall is better than previous artist Greg Land's art. Land did however once again produce a great cover for this issue, which had brilliant colors from Guru Efx. Eaglesham's layouts were also brilliant, adding more depth, and drama to the issue, helping the story flow smoother. Eaglesham also handled the facial expressions perfectly, showing the character's emotions perfectly. The action was also handled perfectly, adding more excitement, and suspense to the issue, though I did question where Howard found the shotgun that he gave 451, as it appeared from nowhere.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Imagination Centre

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 3/5
Layout & Flow - 3/5
Story - 3/5

Verdict - 3 - (Buy Iron Man #12) SAVE 10%

Indestructible Hulk #10 - Blind Rage: Part Two


DAREDEVIL guest-stars!

HULK vs. urban crime!


Zemo Returns

This is easily one of my favourite series since the start of Marvel NOW!, giving unique and fun stories, that are also really exciting. It has also been one of the most consistent series out from Marvel, as although it's not always spectacular, it's always been great.


After surviving a huge explosion, Hulk, and Daredevil continue to pursue Agence Byzantine's supersonic weapon, leading them to none other than Baron Zemo.


This was an amazing issue, and a phenomenal continuation from the last issue. Mark Waid has turned this story which was simply good into something phenomenal, and he handled everything in this issue perfectly. The main thing about Waid's writing that I enjoyed in this issue was how he had Hulk interacting with Daredevil, as it felt so natural, adding depth to the issue. I also loved how Waid handled the action in this issue, as although we got a bit during last issue, he really stepped it up here, and it was simply outstanding. I also loved how Waid managed to rap this short story up so quickly, whilst keeping the excitement, and drama, as well as even adding suspense, which was fantastic.

Matteo Scalera once again did a very good job of the artwork on this issue, and although it may still take a few more issues for me to feel comfortable with him being the new full time artist on this series, it has shown improvement in this issue, as the rough style of Scalera's artwork has been used to the story's best advantages. Scalera also showed a mean Hulk, with plenty of emotion, as due to the amazing action sequences, you really get to see Hulk in his glory, which Scalera handled that perfectly. Scalera also once again did a great job with the layouts, adding more depth, and tone to the issue, as well as even more drama.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Imagination Centre

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 2/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 4/5
Layout & Flow - 4/5
Story - 4/5
Verdict - 3.7
 - (Buy Indestructible Hulk #10) SAVE 10%

Uncanny X-Men #8

School is in session!

Last issue, the Uncanny X-Men saw what can happen with no control over their powers. It cannot happen again.

Plus, Cyclops and Magneto finally have it out!



This has been surprisingly an amazing series, as although I initially didn't get it cause I felt it'd not be good, after hearing the good things about it I decided to get the back issues, and the series since. I'm glad I've done so as it's been amazing, and although not always brilliant fairly consistent.


Back from Limbo (Hell) the X-Men deal with Fabio Medina wanting to leave the team, as well as helping another mutant.


This was a great issue, and continues with the series' consistency. Brian Michael Bendis once again did a great job with this issue, as although it was generally much slower than most issues, it dealt with a lot of the tension that has built up over the series, with the emotion that comes with that, and although the slowness hurts the overall quality of the issue, the emotion, and dialogue makes up a certain amount of that. The issue didn't lack excitement, as although it didn't have any real fighting, or action it did have suspense, and drama, which made up for that, and although the lack of action was disappointing, it was nice to let the story step back for a moment.

Chris Bachalo returned to arts this issue after Frazer Irving took over for three issue. Now I've never been a huge fan of Bachalo's art, usually disliking it, but I have liked it on this series, as although it's not won me over, it has suited the series. They layout of his art is simply wonderful, as it really adds to the drama of the issue, making it feel that much more realistic. The emotions were also handled brilliantly, as although there was some awkwardness at times, it was extremely good for most of the issue. The fact that Bachalo does his own colours also really helps, as it gives him more control over the final work, which has ton's of tone, and depth.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Imagination Centre

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 5/5
Layout & Flow - 4/5
Story - 3/5
Verdict - 3.9
 - (Buy Uncanny X-Men #8) SAVE 10%

Purchase Marvel Comics
John McCubbin is a blogger at http://imaginationcentre.blogspot.co.uk/ and a comic book reviewer at Comic Vine. The use of this review has been authorized by the original author.


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