I was getting a little behind again so I'm clearing out my backlog, so here's a double dose of today's Quick Ratings. Included are Marvel's; X-Factor #257, Alpha: Big Time #5, Astonishing X-Men #63, Avengers Assemble #16, Avenging Spider-Man #22, Deadpool #11, Uncanny X-Force #6, and Venom #36. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.
X-Factor #257 - The End of X-Factor, Part 1 of 6
The end begins here.
THE END OF X-FACTOR, part 1 of 6.
Cover & Solicit 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking 3/5
Layout & Flow 3/5
Story 3/5
Verdict 3 - (Buy X-Factor #257) SAVE 10%
Alpha: Big Time #5 - Big Time!
The greatest superhero story ever told comes to a startling conclusion!
Alpha and the Superior Spider-Man team up to fight ZETA!The Marvel Universe ends HERE*!
* Marvel Universe may not actually end.
Cover & Solicit 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking 2/5
Layout & Flow 4/5
Story 4/5
Verdict 3.4 - (Buy Alpha Big Time TPB) SAVE 10%
Astonishing X-Men #63
Over the course of his life, Bobby Drake, a.k.a. Iceman, has taken on and beaten the worst enemies the world -- and the universe -- can throw at him.
But is the most dangerous villain yet to come? And could it be none other than...Bobby himself?
Cover & Solicit 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking 2/5
Layout & Flow 4/5
Story 4/5
Verdict 3.4 - (Buy Astonishing X-Men #63) SAVE 10%
Avengers Assemble #16 - The Enemy Within Part 2 of 5
Who wants YOU for dinner? The Brood!
Spider Woman & Captain Marvel declare war on the Magnetron! (Who?)
Hawkeye has a bright idea!
Cover & Solicit 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking 4/5
Layout & Flow 4/5
Story 4/5
Verdict 3.9 - (Buy Avengers Assemble #16) SAVE 10%
Deadpool #11 - Dare to Be Deviled
Concluding the 2nd arc of MARVEL NOW! Deadpool!
Can Wade trust hell to keep their side of his contract?
Will all of Deadpool's new friends end up dead because of him?
Are turkey sandwiches better than ham?
2 of these 3 questions will be answered!
Cover & Solicit 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking 4/5
Layout & Flow 4/5
Story 4/5
Verdict 3.9 - (Buy Deadpool #11) SAVE 10%
Avenging Spider-Man #22 - Pro-Death
The Punisher and Spider-Man have never seen eye to eye, but this is the Superior Spider-Man! What does Frank Castle think about Spider-Man's new, hard edged attitude?
Plus, Mysterio is BACK! Or is he? The Superior Spider-Man has a few questions for ol' fishbowl head, but the Punisher has something else for him: bullets.
Cover & Solicit 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking 4/5
Layout & Flow 4/5
Story 4/5
Verdict 3.9 - (Buy Avenging Spider-Man #22) SAVE 10%
Uncanny X-Force #6
Secrets from the future and the past come to haunt Uncanny X-Force!
What does Fantomex want from Betsy?
What does Betsy want from Cluster?
What does Cluster want from Fantomex?
What does Bishop want from the 21st century? A body count or a good burger?
And Los Angeles, lock up your humans: there's a new mutant on the loose!
Cover & Solicit 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking 5/5
Layout & Flow 4/5
Story 4/5
Verdict 4.1 - (Buy Uncanny X-Force #6) SAVE 10%
Venom #36 - Simple.
The next Venom chapter starts here!
In the aftermath of his encounter with Toxin, Agent Venom hits the town for some old fashioned crime-busting!
But this kind of crime busts back!
Introducing Lord Ogre... a leader in Philly's criminal underbelly!
Cover & Solicit 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking 4/5
Layout & Flow 4/5
Story 5/5
Verdict 4.3 - (Buy Venom #36) SAVE 10%
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