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CMON's SDCC Exclusives: A Betrayal to Loyal Fans and Backers?

In recent years, CMON has built a reputation for creating some of the most beloved board games in the industry. Titles like Zombicide , Dune , Cyberpunk 2077 , Cthulhu: Death May Die , Arcadia Quest and Marvel United have garnered a dedicated fanbase, many of whom have supported these games through Kickstarter campaigns and retail purchases. However, CMON's recent decision to make exclusive content for these games available only at San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) has sparked significant outrage among its loyal supporters. The Exclusivity Issue At the heart of the controversy are the exclusive expansions and content for Zombicide: White Death, Cthulhu: Death May Die, and Marvel United. These exclusives include: Zombicide: White Death TMNT Expansion: Featuring comics and Rocksteady and Bebop miniatures for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles expansion. This expansion is only available at SDCC, but was highly requested by backers during the entire campaign. Godzilla Expansion for Cthulhu: D

Quick Ratings: @Marvel Ultimates, Deadpool, Gambit & Winter Soldier

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #20 CoverDeadpool Killustrated #1 CoverGambit #8 CoverWinter Soldier #14 Cover

Here are today's "Quick Ratings". Included are Marvel's Ultimate Comics Ultimates #20 - Reconstruction, Part 2 of 6, Deadpool Killustrated #1 - Moby Dick, Gambit #8 - Forever Endeavor, and Winter Soldier #14 - Black Widow Hunt Conclusion. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.

See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #20 - Reconstruction, Part 2 of 6

Black Widow: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.! As America rebuilds, President Cap must find out who is behind the latest wave of attacks on the country!



Cover & Solicit 3/5

Art, Colors & Inking 3/5

Layout & Flow 4/5

Story 4/5

Verdict 3.6

Deadpool Killustrated #1 - Moby Dick

Deadpool has already killed every hero in the Marvel Universe. He isn't through. This time, Deadpool's gonna take down the most famous characters in classic literature!



Cover & Solicit 4/5

Art, Colors & Inking 4/5

Layout & Flow 3/5

Story 4/5

Verdict 3.9

Gambit #8 - Forever Endeavor

Receiving a distress call from an imperiled ESU archaeology team, Gambit makes a detour on his way back to the Big Apple and heads to the Forever City! But how exactly will he outwit the hyper-evolved locals and snatch the students (and some loot) from their clutches?



Cover & Solicit 4/5

Art, Colors & Inking 3/5

Layout & Flow 4/5

Story 4/5

Verdict 3.7

Winter Soldier #14 - Black Widow Hunt Conclusion

Will Bucky sacrifice everything to save his love? Can Black Widow even be saved?



Cover & Solicit 3/5

Art, Colors & Inking 3/5

Layout & Flow 5/5

Story 5/5

Verdict 4.1


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