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HotShot Pickleball @hspickleball is Live on @kickstarter

Pick Your Pickle and Prepare for Puns: Pickleball's Board Game Just Launched. A fast, fun, irreverent board game that celebrates the joy of Pickleball. Fans of silly puns, pickles, and fast-paced games alike have a new game to add to their list of must-haves: HotShot Pickleball. This delightful card-drawing board game is quick to learn and gives a surprising amount of opportunity to lightly strategize as you race to the ball and attempt to hit it back over the net to your opponent. The debut release from indie studio Midnight Trading Co., HotShot Pickleball was made while game designer Robert Gelb was recovering from an Achilles injury sustained, ironically, by playing Pickleball. For those who haven’t heard of pickleball, it's the fastest-growing sport in the world, with over 32 million players last year. HotShot Pickleball is a lively, family-friendly game that combines the fun of the sport with a cast of quirky, pickle-themed characters like Stew Cumber, Kim Chee, and Corni...

John Hurt is The Doctor #DoctorWho

If you watched the season finale of Doctor Who then you already know that John Hurt makes an appearance at the end as The Doctor. A coworker, who is a bigger Whovian than myself and the person who go me watching, informed me that there was a gap between doctors 8 & 9. I started watching with the "reboot" and the 9th Doctor, and therefore don't know much about the predecessors.

Well it seems that Spinoff Online at Comic Book Resources has learned some interesting information. If the ending scene didn't make it obvious John Hurt is The Doctor, but not the replacement for Matt Smith after his departure this Christmas. Instead he is a prior regeneration of a "dark" Doctor that was to this point unknown and will fit between the 8th Doctor; Paul McGann and 9th Doctor; Christopher Eccleston.

This is the Doctor what would have been around during the Time War, and considering all the things we have learned about how bad it was, and the extremes The Doctor went through including the destruction and genocide of both the Daleks and the Time Lords on Gallifrey. I can only imagine how evil this version could be and I'd almost imagine he could give The Master a run for his money on that front.

I'm not sure if this will effect the numbering because the 11th Doctor (Smith) stated that Hunt's character doesn't get to call himself the "Doctor" because of what he did. That would mean Eccleston is still considered the 9th with the title and named of The Doctor. Hunt will appear in the 50th anniversary special, but it's unknown if he will reprise his role into Season 8 when we get our new Doctor.

You can read the full article here.


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