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Guest Reviews: @Marvel Superior Spider-Man #3, Deadpool #5, Indestructible Hulk #4

Superior Spider-Man #3 CoverDeadpool #5 CoverIndestructible Hulk #4 Cover

Here are today's "Guest Reviews" by John McCubbin from Imagination Centre. Included are Marvel's; Superior Spider-Man #3, Deadpool #5, & Indestructible Hulk #4. I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.

See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic.

Superior Spider-Man #3 - Everything You Know is Wrong

Is this all-new Spider-Man in cahoots with... J. Jonah Jameson?!

Has Carlie Cooper figured out the Superior Spider-Man's secret identity?

All this and the return of the villainous Vulture!


To Stop a Vulture

I still don't know what to make of this series, as it started decent, had a bad second issue, but is back to decent this time. I hope that this series will find it's feet, and keep to a certain level of quality, and that it makes the best out of what I personally feel is a bad situation.


This issue sees the new Spider-Man (Doctor Octopus) trying to convert Vulture into being good, whilst original Spider-Man, Peter Parker's ghost is still close by.


This was a very good issue, and probably the best in the series so far, although that doesn't say too much. Forgetting the terrible issue from last week this issue is very fun and Dan Slott is starting to draw my interest, and thankfully it's in the right direction. I still don't think that I will be won over with Doc Ock being Spider-Man, but I do hope that he uses the ghost of Peter, and the doubt about Doc Ock's actions right, and it looks like it is. I liked how Slott continued the minor appearance from Vulture's crew in the last issue into this, making the appearance in last issue feel more justified.

Ryan Stegman continues to amaze me with his brilliant artwork, and I'm very glad that he's working on this series. As people that have read my previous Spidey reviews will know, I've been looking forward to Stegman working on this series, and I don't think I've been as excited to see an artist working on a Spidey book before, although to be fair I've only been collecting new material for three years. His artwork is simply phenomenal, and the detail in his art is brilliant. I also love the emotion that he puts into the characters, as it's not easy to show emotion on a character that wears a mask for most of the issue, but Stegman finds a way. The dramatic flair in his art is also tremendous, and there are times that it feels like watching a movie.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Comic Vine

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 4/5
Layout & Flow - 5/5
Story - 4/5
Verdict - 4.1

Deadpool #5 - Star Wars: Revenge of the Gipper

Deadpool vs. Reagan...IN SPACE!


Ok, then...MONKEYS!


In Space No One Can Hear You Kill

Saying that I've enjoyed this series would be a major understatement. I've always been a big Deadpool fan, but I don't think I've liked any of his series' as much as I'm loving this one. Brian Posehn, and Gerry Duggan are doing a fabulous job, and I hope that they can keep up this quality of work.


Deadpool goes into space to prevent Ronald Reagan from destroying America. Plus also killer monkeys.


Another amazing issue of Deadpool, and it continues to amaze me. This issue wasn't the best in the series so far, but it was still very good. If I'm honest I was skeptical about the writing team of Posehn, and Duggan when I first heard that they were working on this series, but they have really blown them thoughts clean out of my mind, as they've created a series that I'm excited about each time it's out, something that Deadpool's not quite done for me in the past. I've really loved the way they've mixed the humor with this weird style of storytelling, and how they've used reference jokes from time to time, even if some of them didn't work for the better, as overall the humor has been not just only something that a Deadpool series needs, but it's taken away from all the gruesome sequences, making them more light heartened.

Tony Moore's art is phenomenal, and I hope that he stays on this series for a long, long time. To be honest I think the story in this series could be crap and I'd still get the series (although it's not) just for Moore's art. It's truly wonderful, and I've never been has happy whilst looking at artwork for Deadpool as I am when I look at Moore's. It's got the gruesome look which really suits the series, and I'm happy that he doesn't beet around the bush when it comes to that. Although most things that happen in Deadpool aren't realistic, if it was Moore's art would be very realistic, as it's very close to what I'd imagine these events looking like in my head. The detail in Moore's art is also brilliant, and it's really hard to fault anything in his art. What I've especially liked about his art in this series is how he's treated the presidents, making them look as true to likeness as he can whilst keeping them as zombies, and how he draws Deadpool under the mask, as a lot of people make it look like nothing at all.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Comic Vine

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 3/5
Layout & Flow - 3/5
Story - 4/5

Verdict - 3.6

Indestructible Hulk #4 - Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Part 4

HULK is the strongest there is…on land. But in the ocean ATTUMA RULES!!!

Bruce Banner leads SHIELD in a race to the ocean floor searching for CLASSIFIED!

Which one of Banner’s new lab assistants holds a deadly secret?


This Town Ain't Big Enough for Two

I'm not the biggest Hulk fan, but he is up there in my top 15 favorite characters, and before this series I was very upset to see the way he was mistreated. This series has rectified the mistakes from the last Hulk series, and I'm happy that Hulk is in a good series once more.


In a former nuclear test town renamed Bannerville Bruce Banner meets his new team of assistants. Later he is on a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission where he comes up against Attuma.


Although not the best issue in the series this is still a fabulous issue, and the series has been very good. Mark Waid has really done something special with this series so far, and I always had faith that he was the right person to turn Hulk into a brilliant series again. What I've been enjoying about this series so far is that he's taking time to show Banner more than some of the other writers have, as although we saw Banner in the previous series he was mainly pitted against Hulk, which although an interesting idea became really dull, really quick. This time round Banner and Hulk act as separate entities once more, which is the best way. Just like Waid's Daredevil series this series shows both sides to the monster, and utilizes all his strengths, whilst showing that he has a human side. The only problem with this issue was that the build up to the mission was a little slow, and although it had it's interesting moments it did let the issue down a bit. I do however expect the next issue to be brilliant though.

As if this series wasn't good enough with Waid writing it, it had to go even further and have the brilliant artist Leinil Francis Yu. I've always admired Yu's art over the years, and although some of it hasn't worked with the material I've never felt that way about him drawing Hulk. I remember seeing him drawing Hulk way back when Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk was out, and although I wasn't getting comics at the time I still admired the artwork whenever I flicked through an issue, or saw it online. Yu continues this with Indestructible Hulk, and I've enjoyed his art throughout the series. It's very detailed and looks nothing short of amazing. The detail is brilliant, and although he doesn't put in minor details with distant characters it's easily forgiven due to the rest of the art, and it makes it feel more personal. Yu's also produced some fabulous covers, and this ones no different. I know that this is referenced from a film (at least I think it is) just can't remember what film (if anyone knows please comment, it'd be appreciated).

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Comic Vine

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 4/5
Layout & Flow - 4/5
Story - 4/5
Verdict - 3.9

Purchase Superior Spider-Man #3
Purchase Superior Spider-Man TPB Vol. 01 My Own Worst Enemy
Purchase Deadpool #5
Purchase Indestructible Hulk #4
Purchase Indestructible Hulk #4 (Ferry Variant)
John McCubbin is a blogger at http://imaginationcentre.blogspot.co.uk/ and a comic book reviewer at Comic Vine. The use of this review has been authorized by the original author.


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