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CMON's SDCC Exclusives: A Betrayal to Loyal Fans and Backers?

In recent years, CMON has built a reputation for creating some of the most beloved board games in the industry. Titles like Zombicide , Dune , Cyberpunk 2077 , Cthulhu: Death May Die , Arcadia Quest and Marvel United have garnered a dedicated fanbase, many of whom have supported these games through Kickstarter campaigns and retail purchases. However, CMON's recent decision to make exclusive content for these games available only at San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) has sparked significant outrage among its loyal supporters. The Exclusivity Issue At the heart of the controversy are the exclusive expansions and content for Zombicide: White Death, Cthulhu: Death May Die, and Marvel United. These exclusives include: Zombicide: White Death TMNT Expansion: Featuring comics and Rocksteady and Bebop miniatures for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles expansion. This expansion is only available at SDCC, but was highly requested by backers during the entire campaign. Godzilla Expansion for Cthulhu: D

Guest Review: Cable and X-Force #2

Cable and X-Force #2 Cover

Brain Damage


Cable is back! NOW! with a new X-Force at his side, he must tackle the threats that nobody else can know about. But just who are Cable's new recruits, and why is his team public enemy number one? Caught red-handed at the scene of a terrorist attack on a major American corporation whose CEO has expressed anti-mutant views, the X-Force is the run, with none other than the Uncanny Avengers in hot pursuit.



A hell of a kid Original Review by Tomlikesfries at Comic Vine

First off, I just want to say that this issue shows a huge improvement over the first, which was, in my opinion, mediocre at best. This one, however, is greatly enjoyable. Hopeless did make a brilliant choice of characters. While most of the team does the muscle job, we also see Dr. Nemesis, who is doing a brain surgery on Cable. I loved seeing Domino in action. She's an unpredictable and interesting character and it's nice to see her here, although it would be nice if her powers were a bit more explored in the future issues. All the fighting is intriguing, especially since Hope joins our group in the battle. The problem is, she steals the issue, so although the name of title is Cable and X-Force, it sounded more like Hope and X-Force. I could also not understand what the villain actually was. Is it a virus that eats everything it touches? I think so, but I am not sure.

We also got a brief look at the actual villain, and although we do not yet know who he is or what he plots, he does look like a creepy bad-ass. Also, I only noticed this after reading the issue, but while doing the brain surgery, Nemesis claims that Cable has the worst kind of "brain trouble", and we do not get to know what the trouble really is. After all of the action, Cable says that he is going out. Domino tries to stop him, and there is great dialogue between the two of them. To be honest, it actually sounded like a movie.

The artwork is pretty good. Larroca does a fine job and so does Armata with the colors. The facial expressions, and the work on the light and reflections are well displayed, although some panels can be a bit inconsistent.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable and nicely paced issue. It's full of action and nice dialogue, although it has some minor flaws. Well, it certainly is better than the first comic of the series. 

Cable and X-Force #2 gets a 8/10

What I Thought

See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic.

Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors, & Inking - 4/5
Layout & Flow - 5/5
Story - 5/5
Verdict - 4.6

I'm confused by the cover only in so much as I understand the demons in Cable's head, and some precognitive ability he has, but why does it look like a Zombie is rushing him? Like the last issue I like the art in this book. There are times where it looks rushed and not a smooth when it comes to the inking but otherwise the coloring and detail are great. This story was great, my only letdown is I was hoping the creature/virus thing was actually the Phalanx. Maybe they will explore this a little bit more. My only gripe about the issue pacing is we get to see Cable going one on one with Colossus but that's it, we don't' know why, and by the end of the issue we still don't. Considering the last panels is his recruitment and Colossus saying he doesn't want to be a hero, and Cables response being it's not that kind of job, I think it's going to hit the fan next issue and I can't wait.

Purchase Cable and X-Force #2 on Amazon

Thomas is a comic book reviewer at Comic Vine. The use of this review has been authorized by the original author.


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